Author: QA Testing

What is Sitefinity, and Who Uses It?

With global eCommerce continuing on its meteoric rise, there has never been a more important time to build a high-quality eCommerce solution for your business and start breaking into the eCommerce sphere. Consider, according to Forbes, eCommerce in the United States will break $440 billion by 2017. Likewise, mCommerce, sales made through mobile devices, is
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Repeat After Me I Will Not Make These Social Media Mistakes

If you’ve found your way here, chances are you already know how important social media tools are to your online marketing efforts. According to Pew Internet, 73% of adults using the internet use at least one social media platform. With that number officially breaking the two billion user barrier in 2013, 1.4 billion of whom
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Do You Find Yourself Wondering What Cloud Computing Is?

If you’ve been paying any attention at all to the world of business technology over the last five years, you’ve no doubt heard about “cloud computing” on multiple occasions. According to the most recent statistics from Forbes, American businesses are expected to spend $13 billion on cloud computing solutions in 2014, a number that’s no
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