Demystifying Cloud Computing For The Large Organization

As you probably know, the market for cloud-based security services is expanding rapidly, with total sales of $8.71 billion expected by 2019. And the demand for managed services is fueling that growth to a great extent.
Decision makers in public sector IT departments and larger private companies have learned to seek the assistance of cloud consultants to analyze their current infrastructure and find out how cloud services can work with it most effectively.
A major reason that more than half of large enterprises are now using cloud storage is that it enables them to improve integration between the development and operations functions of their organizations by sharing data across all applications. The cost savings can be impressive. As the government adopts the cloud communications model, its data center expenditures are expected to decrease by about 30%.
Experts from a cloud brokerage service can start by performing an initial assessment, usually at no charge. They can help to develop in-house IT security talent and organize training that’s tailored specifically for the cloud. Almost half of the organizations that are moving to cloud services find this to be a wise investment for the future.
Consultation with a cloud services broker is usually the function of the Chief Information Officer and/or other top IT executives. Some 70% of officials in those categories are directly involved in the cloud purchase process.
Cloud brokerage services find that about half of the agencies and enterprises they survey have definite plans to adopt hybrid cloud systems in the near future. Those, by definition, are a mix of an on-premises, private platform and a public (third party) cloud and offer seamless interaction between the two. Overall, cloud service usage breaks down to 60% public, 57% private and 19% hybrid.
When moving into cloud computing, it’s vital that an organization create a set of rules, or governance, to formalize such considerations as service standards, the fact that rights to your data remain with you, liability if security is breached, digital forensics, disaster recovery and responsibilities of both parties at the beginning and at the end of the service period.
Consult with an experienced cloud brokerage service for assistance with these and any other matters related to cloud computing.