Three Reasons Cloud Technology is the Future for Small Businesses

As Mashable points out, the recent price war over cloud storage has come as a nice surprise. What might surprise you more, though, is that internet technology companies are equally excited about the activity. Why? Because “specialization is a powerful economic force.”
Growing competition and improvements in technology have led to many a cloud solution company entering the market, elbowing each other for space. The prices for many of the industry leaders were, as DigitalOcean co-founder Mitch Wainer explains, “a little too high… they knew they could cut back and still be profitable.”
Many think that the activity surrounding cloud this week might end up being a very important moment in technological history, even if we don’t realize it yet. Are you ready to re-invigorate your own business through the use of cloud solutions? Here are three advantages you might realize by switching to cloud.
1. Cloud Computing Solutions Can Help Reduce Your Risk
- Many employees now use mobile devices to conduct work. It can be a security risk when employees do this and then, invariably, lose their phone or tablet while it contains sensitive client information. Cloud capabilities can allow data removal from a remote device.
- In a traditional IT setting, software updates can take weeks to complete for every device. With cloud computing, software and security patches can be immediately applied for maximum data security.
2. Cloud Technology Can Help Your Small Business
- Flexibility is often key to small businesses looking to grow and change rapidly over their first several years. Cloud technology is useful for this experimental phase of business as it allows for a wide range in capabilities, easy access to various software and hardware from multiple locations, and enough space to handle any project, anywhere.
- Too often, small businesses fail to invest in the sort of data storage solutions and protection that could save them a lot of trouble down the road. Did you know that small businesses have a 10% chance of experiencing a man-made disaster? Don’t be the next Target data-loss story for your town.
3. Easier Collaboration
Did you know that 75% of companies use social collaboration tools? Cloud technology makes it easier to share information, data and projects among co-workers for greater utilization of time and ideas.
Are you interested in what cloud solution providers can offer? Let us know in the comments. More research here.