Your Timeline For Working With Military Transition Recruiters

Making the transition from member of the military to plain civilian can be extremely overwhelming, especially when it comes to finding a job. However, following a specific timeline can make all of your tasks much easier to prioritize and will ultimately give you a better chance of landing a job that’s an excellent fit for you. If you’re planning on working with military transition recruiting services, this timeline may help make sure you have everything in order.
120+ Days Before Starting Employment
During this time, you aren’t likely to be considered a viable candidate by most employers. Therefore, this window should serve as your preparation period. During this timespan, you should:
- Work on your resume (don’t be afraid to ask your recruiting firm for help!)
- Gather the documents your military transition recruiters require (such as performance evaluations, transcripts, and professional references)
- Review your five-month schedule and block off times you will not be available (for planned vacations, deployments, etc.)
- Create a list of industries, employers, and locations that are of interest to you (don’t limit yourself if at all possible when it comes to geographical location, but pay attention to positions that will be a good fit for your skills)
- Be proactive about contacting your recruiter (keep those lines of communication open)
120 To 91 Days Before Terminal Leave Date Or Job Start Date
While the 90-day mark is when employers will start to consider you as a candidate, this period is when you need to really get down to business. During those 91 to 120 days beforehand, you should:
- Make sure your resume is completed and ready to go (have your recruiting services team look over it and suggest any changes they see fit)
- Ask your recruiter about interview preparations
- Organize all documents and make copies for interviews
- Have locations and potential positions solidified in your mind and communicate this to your recruiter
- Know your budget and how much you’ll need to make (ask your recruiter about the state of the market and how your skills can fetch you a higher salary)
- Solidify your availability for interviews and make sure your recruiter is up-to-date
- Purchase and/or professionally clean/alter your interview attire (ask your recruiting services for recommendations on clothing if you are unsure)
- Don’t be afraid to contact your recruiter on a frequent basis to ensure you’re being kept in mind
Remember that once you reach the 90-day mark, this is “go time!” Employers are ready and eager to see your resume during this period. Technically, you have 60 days to make this transition, but 90 days will allow you a grace period of about a month. You’ll be interviewing with potential employers, honing those skills, and receiving feedback from your recruiters. Be sure to be proactive when speaking with your recruiter and when applying for positions.
Making this transition isn’t easy, but it’s helpful to know you have someone on your side. Military transition recruiters can help you make valuable connections and present yourself as a priceless asset for countless employers. If you plan on working with a recruiting company, be sure to follow this basic timeline for best results. More like this article.