How to Care for an Antique Rug – Andre Blog

If you have an antique rug, you need to take special care to keep it looking good for the long haul. If you want to have your rug cleaned professionally, send it to a professional rug cleaner. However, if your goal is to maintain it at home, there are certain household cleaners that can apply to it for a clean and beautiful appearance.

In the beginning, be sure to vacuum both sides the rug to remove debris from it. If you want to make the cleaning solution of your choice Mix a teaspoon dishwashing soap and half of one cup of water. This can be used for gentle cleaning of your rug and leave no residue. If you have a large rug, you’ll need to increase or decrease the amount of the amount of this cleaning solution to cover the entire rug.

Use a sponge or brush for applying a cleaner to the rug. Make sure that you scrub every inch of your rug. When you’re done, can take the rug and rinse it out by using water that is clean. You must rinse the rug thoroughly. the soap, and then squeeze the rug thoroughly to get rid of the remaining water. Lay it flat to dry. 4q85fgx6j7.

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